This morning I picked up the book "The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year," by Caitlín Matthews from my bookshelf. This is a great little book full of quotes and proverbs intended to inspire the reader. I have had this book for many years, and every now and again I take it out, flip open to a page and consider the message in front of me.
Thought for today... "The three most beautiful things in the world: a ship under full sail, a woman with child, and a full moon." ~ Scots Gaelic triad.
I ask you, as Caitín asks readers in her book, "What are the three most beautiful things in your world?"
May you always see the beauty in the world around you. Goddess Bless
Women of the Wheel (WOTW) is an independent, St. John's, Newfoundland-based group of Pagan women. Established on March 6, 2006, WOTW originally began as a monthly "moot" or meeting for Pagan women. Today, WOTW offers quarterly moots for Pagan women in St. John's and surrounding area.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Blessed Samhain

To those who honour the turning of the wheel in tune with the lunar cycle Samhain begins when the full moon enters Scorpio. According to Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2010 the moon is full at 9:37 pm (EDT) on October 22. For those who follow the fixed date calendar Samhain falls on October 31 every year.
For many Pagan's, Samhain is the most sacred night of the year. It is the time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, and thus at this time we honour our Ancestors who have come before us and the Gods of our people. On this Samhain...
I wish you peace,
I wish you plenty,
I wish you joy,
I wish you harmony,
I wish you laughter,
I wish you love,
I wish you many blessings.
Goddess Bless
image source
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Fall Moot
Would like to express my gratitude to the ladies who attended our fall moot this evening. I enjoyed the stimulating conversation and fabulous food! And, I look forward to seeing those who could not attend tonight at our next meet up. Until then, Goddess bless.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fall Harvest
I found this chant in the book The Goddess Companion, by Patricia Monaghan. With the fall equinox approaching many Pagans will be celebrating harvest festivals. Traditions intended to honour all that sustains us are common at this time of the year and we give thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon us. This Russian harvest chant is lovely for this time of the year.
Where she walks,
The wheat springs up.
Where she turns,
The wheat grows thick.
Where her foot touches,
The wheat is ready.
Where she lifts her horn,
The wheat is harvested.
~ author unkown
May your harvest feasts be bountiful, and may your festivals be joyous,
Goddess Bless
Where she walks,
The wheat springs up.
Where she turns,
The wheat grows thick.
Where her foot touches,
The wheat is ready.
Where she lifts her horn,
The wheat is harvested.
~ author unkown
May your harvest feasts be bountiful, and may your festivals be joyous,
Goddess Bless
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thirteen Goals of a Witch
Not every woman at Women of the Wheel considers herself a Witch, and not every woman who does consider herself a Witch follows the same path as that of her sister Witch. There are many ways by which one can travel the road to spiritual fulfilment, each path valid in its own right. I mention this because recently I came across a post on a Facebook group called Ravensgrove Coven titled “Thirteen Goals of A Witch,” that I would like to share with readers. As the poster comments the thirteen goals were written by Scott Cunningham but, since I appreciate the wisdom of the comments this poster has attached to the Thirteen Goals of a Witch I thought I would share the post with you in its entirety. Whether a woman believes herself a Witch or not, these goals are worth considering as part of our own practices.
Goddess Bless,
The Thirteen Goals of a Witch
These goals were written by Scott Cunningham. I find them very important and significant. What I love about them is that they are not a bunch of lofty, unattainable goals. They are a way of life, and realistic things that can be achieved through work and dedication. I think that we should remind ourselves of them daily. Have them written somewhere in your home. Know them by heart and say them out loud to yourself every day.
Know yourself
Who are you? Do you really know all there is to know about yourself? Getting to know who we are is a life time journey. We are always growing and changing. The exploration of the soul is the most important journey you will ever make...and the longest one too.
Know your Craft
The Craft. So many different ways of worship. So many traditions! Knowing your chosen Craft path doesn't end when you have read all the 'right' books or after initiation. That is, in a sense the beginning of knowing your Craft
To achieve any of these goals, you must be on a constant quest to learn more. More about yourself, your Craft and the world around you.
Apply knowledge with wisdom
Some people seem to think that these 2 words are interchangeable. They are not. Knowledge is what you know. You gain knowledge through various forms of study. Wisdom is something else entirely. It is something that can not be taught. It is that which you gain through experience and intuition.
Combine your knowledge with your wisdom.
This seems to be something of a challenge as many of us have busy lives. We have many responsibilities and it can be difficult at times to just stop..take a deep breath , and put your personal priorities into perspective. This means creating balance in your life. Spiritual, emotional and physical. If you don't have balance, you're unbalanced. It's as simple as that. Make time to achieve won't regret it
Keep your thoughts in good order
Self explanatory.
Keep your words in good order
Self explanatory but the quotes "Speak little, listen much" come to mind, along with "Think before you speak".
Celebrate life
Enjoy your life! Celebrate it and all of the wonders it brings you. There is cause for celebration every day. From the simple things like waking up, enjoying a nice cup of tea or a warm bath to the more obvious ones. In Pagan books of days, you see that everyday is cause for celebration
Attune with the cycles of the Earth
This can be a tough thing to do if your schedule seems destined to keep you indoors. Working long hours in a concrete building with no window, driving in grid lock traffic and then rushing to take care of your house hold tasks. Our ways worship the Earth and there are ways (no matter how busy you are) to attune with the cycles of the Earth.. It just takes some creativity and imagination
Breathe and eat correctly
The importance of eating correctly is fairly obvious. You are what you eat. Unfortunately, since healthy living has come in to major focus, many have become confused about just what is and is not good for you. There are, however some foods that never come into question. Fresh fruits/ vegetables and grains. A balanced diet that includes these every day is essential. Breathing is something that is not discussed very much. There are yoga and meditation books and web pages that do discuss the importance of adopting a calm, slow and deep breathing pattern
Exercise the body
Self explanatory
Meditation is (in my opinion) as important to your health as a proper diet and regular exercise. It is also imperative, along with visualization for successful rituals, spells and divination
Honor the Goddess and God
Self explanatory
Retrieved, September 1, 2010, from Ravensgrove Coven Facebook group!/pages/Ravensgrove-Coven/172419479791
posted by Lady Abigail
Goddess Bless,
The Thirteen Goals of a Witch
These goals were written by Scott Cunningham. I find them very important and significant. What I love about them is that they are not a bunch of lofty, unattainable goals. They are a way of life, and realistic things that can be achieved through work and dedication. I think that we should remind ourselves of them daily. Have them written somewhere in your home. Know them by heart and say them out loud to yourself every day.
Know yourself
Who are you? Do you really know all there is to know about yourself? Getting to know who we are is a life time journey. We are always growing and changing. The exploration of the soul is the most important journey you will ever make...and the longest one too.
Know your Craft
The Craft. So many different ways of worship. So many traditions! Knowing your chosen Craft path doesn't end when you have read all the 'right' books or after initiation. That is, in a sense the beginning of knowing your Craft
To achieve any of these goals, you must be on a constant quest to learn more. More about yourself, your Craft and the world around you.
Apply knowledge with wisdom
Some people seem to think that these 2 words are interchangeable. They are not. Knowledge is what you know. You gain knowledge through various forms of study. Wisdom is something else entirely. It is something that can not be taught. It is that which you gain through experience and intuition.
Combine your knowledge with your wisdom.
This seems to be something of a challenge as many of us have busy lives. We have many responsibilities and it can be difficult at times to just stop..take a deep breath , and put your personal priorities into perspective. This means creating balance in your life. Spiritual, emotional and physical. If you don't have balance, you're unbalanced. It's as simple as that. Make time to achieve won't regret it
Keep your thoughts in good order
Self explanatory.
Keep your words in good order
Self explanatory but the quotes "Speak little, listen much" come to mind, along with "Think before you speak".
Celebrate life
Enjoy your life! Celebrate it and all of the wonders it brings you. There is cause for celebration every day. From the simple things like waking up, enjoying a nice cup of tea or a warm bath to the more obvious ones. In Pagan books of days, you see that everyday is cause for celebration
Attune with the cycles of the Earth
This can be a tough thing to do if your schedule seems destined to keep you indoors. Working long hours in a concrete building with no window, driving in grid lock traffic and then rushing to take care of your house hold tasks. Our ways worship the Earth and there are ways (no matter how busy you are) to attune with the cycles of the Earth.. It just takes some creativity and imagination
Breathe and eat correctly
The importance of eating correctly is fairly obvious. You are what you eat. Unfortunately, since healthy living has come in to major focus, many have become confused about just what is and is not good for you. There are, however some foods that never come into question. Fresh fruits/ vegetables and grains. A balanced diet that includes these every day is essential. Breathing is something that is not discussed very much. There are yoga and meditation books and web pages that do discuss the importance of adopting a calm, slow and deep breathing pattern
Exercise the body
Self explanatory
Meditation is (in my opinion) as important to your health as a proper diet and regular exercise. It is also imperative, along with visualization for successful rituals, spells and divination
Honor the Goddess and God
Self explanatory
Retrieved, September 1, 2010, from Ravensgrove Coven Facebook group!/pages/Ravensgrove-Coven/172419479791
posted by Lady Abigail
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The wheel of Summer turns
A wise woman, whom I admire, recently shared with me a mantra she was striving to embrace, “time is finite,” she said.
Indeed, time is finite. And, as the balmy summer nights give way to crisp cool mornings I must face the reality that perhaps all that I had planned to experience this summer may have been a tad bit over ambitious. Back in June, when I became the Women of the Wheel coordinator (coincidentally also around the same time my wise friend shared her mantra with me), I had hoped to organize at least one gathering over the summer. Unfortunately, “time is finite,” and a gathering this summer was not to be our fate.
Nonetheless, fall is fast approaching, and sometime around (but not on) the fall equinox the Women of the Wheel will gather as we have done for many seasons before to share in feasting and friendship.
If any member would like to host this fall moot please contact me via email to make arrangements.
If you are not a member of Women of the Wheel but would like to learn more about our group please direct your questions to Avalon at
Until then, may the Goddess walk with you on your journey and may the Gods of your heart be with you always,
Indeed, time is finite. And, as the balmy summer nights give way to crisp cool mornings I must face the reality that perhaps all that I had planned to experience this summer may have been a tad bit over ambitious. Back in June, when I became the Women of the Wheel coordinator (coincidentally also around the same time my wise friend shared her mantra with me), I had hoped to organize at least one gathering over the summer. Unfortunately, “time is finite,” and a gathering this summer was not to be our fate.
Nonetheless, fall is fast approaching, and sometime around (but not on) the fall equinox the Women of the Wheel will gather as we have done for many seasons before to share in feasting and friendship.
If any member would like to host this fall moot please contact me via email to make arrangements.
If you are not a member of Women of the Wheel but would like to learn more about our group please direct your questions to Avalon at
Until then, may the Goddess walk with you on your journey and may the Gods of your heart be with you always,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
a wee bit of weeding
I've decided to do a wee bit of weeding. Not out in my yard pulling up dandelions, but here at Women of the Wheel. There are a few members whose email addresses seem to be out-of-date and I would like to clean things up a bit. Therefore I will be removing emails that continue to bounce back. If you think that you should be on the list but do not receive email updates from Women of the Wheel please contact me at
Mighty Blessings
~ G
Mighty Blessings
~ G
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Summer Moot Thank You
A wonderful time was had at the Women of the Wheel Summer Moot. The company was, as usual, great. The food, plentiful, I mean really plentiful. And the bardic circle was amazing. Songs were sung, chants and poems recited, and we were blessed with a mesmerizing performance of “Siúil A Rúin,” a beautiful traditional Irish song. Of course, we were blessed with original songs and chants composed by our talented members as well. All to the rhythm of drums beating, rattles shaking, and children playing in the background.
As the new coordinator of Women of the Wheel, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our out-going coordinator, Scotia, for all of her hard work in the past. Many thanks as well, to Women of the Wheel co-founder J for hosting tonight’s event.
I am truly grateful for the vision you both had to give birth to Women of the Wheel and am excited to take up this journey.
Mighty Blessings to you and yours as we begin this journey together. May your Gods walk with you always.
~ G
As the new coordinator of Women of the Wheel, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our out-going coordinator, Scotia, for all of her hard work in the past. Many thanks as well, to Women of the Wheel co-founder J for hosting tonight’s event.
I am truly grateful for the vision you both had to give birth to Women of the Wheel and am excited to take up this journey.
Mighty Blessings to you and yours as we begin this journey together. May your Gods walk with you always.
~ G
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Summer 2010 Moot
To be hosted by Jillian, our moot will be a Bardic Circle. Share your poems, your stories, your songs, and your chants.
Also during the Summer Moot we'll be welcoming our new coordinator, Gina!
Moot details:
Women of the Wheel's Summer Moot
Saturday, June 12, 2010
6:00 PM
Private home in Witless Bay
Car pooling is available.
Please bring an already prepared dish of food to share, and avoid bringing anything with nuts, shellfish or fish of any kind.
Are welcome.
WOTW members are permitted to bring guests; just let us know in advance.
If you are a Pagan woman and you are interested in joining Women of the Wheel and attending this event, please email
Also during the Summer Moot we'll be welcoming our new coordinator, Gina!
Moot details:
Women of the Wheel's Summer Moot
Saturday, June 12, 2010
6:00 PM
Private home in Witless Bay
Car pooling is available.
Please bring an already prepared dish of food to share, and avoid bringing anything with nuts, shellfish or fish of any kind.
Are welcome.
WOTW members are permitted to bring guests; just let us know in advance.
If you are a Pagan woman and you are interested in joining Women of the Wheel and attending this event, please email
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Spring 2010 Moot
Hosted by Gina, our discussion topic for this moot is "community." Join us for a discussion around pagan communities, and pagans within the larger communities, local and global. Is community important?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
6:00 PM
Private residence in St. John's area
As always, this is a potluck, so please bring an already prepared dish of food to share. Please avoid bringing anything with nuts, shellfish or fish of any kind.
Are welcome.
If you are a Pagan woman who is not a Woman of the Wheel member, but you are interested in attending this event, please contact Scotia at
Saturday, March 6, 2010
6:00 PM
Private residence in St. John's area
As always, this is a potluck, so please bring an already prepared dish of food to share. Please avoid bringing anything with nuts, shellfish or fish of any kind.
Are welcome.
If you are a Pagan woman who is not a Woman of the Wheel member, but you are interested in attending this event, please contact Scotia at
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