Saturday, April 25, 2009

NOTICES regarding Women of the Wheel

NOTICE #1: Women of the Wheel is LEAVING FACEBOOK.

Women of the Wheel is leaving Facebook, not because of any faults with Facebook, but because I, as the administrator, would rather use this blog as WOTW's one and only form of online communication/presence. If you are a Pagan woman who would like to become a member, please send us an email.

NOTICE #2: Women of the Wheel events

This year's Spring Weave was very poorly attended and last fall's Autumn Circle had only a small number of participants. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, WOTW will not be planning any “events.” Instead, WOTW will revert to its former incarnation--as a regular moot. At this point in time, we are aiming for four moots (meetings) a year.

If you are a current WOTW member, have the space and are willing to act as host, please let me know. As a host, you invite into your home members of Women of the Wheel for an evening of informal discussion/potluck. As one of WOTW’s aims has been to be child-friendly, we would appreciate any hosts who may be able to accommodate mothers with children, although we fully understand that not everyone is equipped to do so.

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